Meet Sue! #dwellsue

We wanted to take a moment to introduce Sue Darnell to you. Most of you know her (and your life is better because of her) but we have a lot of new followers who we wanted to introduce the AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, Sue Darnell! Sue started in Real Estate 30+ years ago. She tells people 30+ years to hide her age ;).  She has been through multiple cycles of Real Estate and is the ultimate negotiating PRO. I have had the privilege to work alongside her for years, and working with her is the absolute

B E S T.

I learn from her daily, I am amazed by her tenacity (the woman never sleeps – I swear), the admiration her clients have for her is truly commendable. She is the best Co-Founder, and Mentor I could ever ask for!

Heres 5 fun facts you may not know about Sue!

1. I wanted to be a nurse, but I can’t stand the sight of needles and blood

2. I did Bootcamp and Crossfit for a year and actually enjoyed it! (need to do that again)

3. I have never gone to a movie alone

4. I love sea glass

5. I started first grade when I was 4.  That was too young!


Sue, If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be Bora Bora, or Tahiti and stay in a hut over the water

(Sounds like Christina’s honeymoon 😉 )

What does your morning look like?

My morning routine is to wake up at 5, clean up the house, shower, get ready for work and start working every day at least by 7

Now, we know you love food, and finding great restaurants – what is your favorite food?

Favorite food is : PASTA

Why do YOU work?

Why I work:  I get the greatest satisfaction of finding the perfect home for buyers, that thrill never gets old and listing homes for sellers, and receiving the best offer for them and seeing that sale to a smooth and successful closing.    I love that every day is different! I love the relationships and friendships that I have made in the 30 years I have been selling real estate, friends and clients for life!

What is your favorite drink?

Favorite drink:  Unsweetened ice tea, with lots of ice and two lemons;  alcoholic drink: Chardonnay with Ice. (I know that is not cool, but I don’t care, it’s my wine and I’ll drink it the way I want it)

When #DwellChristina lets you retire… What do you plan to do?

– Spend more time with my grandchildren

– Travel in our RV (hopefully it will be a nicer one someday, but for now, the one we have is perfect)

– Take more cruises

– Travel anywhere I can!

Oh, did I say travel????

Pictured here, Sue’s 5 beautiful grandchildren!

Sue and husband, Bill Darnell.

Sue and granddaughter, Brinegar with their “cool rocker outfits” for Katy Perry Concert!